Friday, February 6, 2015

Book Review: Because of Mr. Terupt by Rob Buyea

Rob Buyea


Date Published: October 12th 2010
Publisher:  Delacorte Books for Young Readers
Pages: 268 pages
Goodreads review: 4.32/5 (review)

                Because of Mr. Terupt tells about the story of fifth grade students and their new teacher, Mr. Terupt. There’s the new girl, Jessica, a very smart girl but having a hard time fitting in. Alexia, the bully and the drama queen. Anna, the shy one. Peter the class clown and troublemaker. Luke, the smartest one. Danielle who is afraid to stand up for her own self and Jeffrey who hates school. 

                Mr. Terupt is described as this new teacher who is very different, energetic, a little bit mysterious and very understanding of all his students. He really cares about every one of them. He knows how to handle and control his class. He is very wise in every action and plan he took. By the near end of the fifth grade, the students seemed to grow love Mr. Terupt as their teacher and wish that they would have him as theirs next year. This novel features seven narrators with their very own perspective of everything happened for the whole year. You might thought that it would be confusing to read a book with seven narrators, but this book is so well written that you can imagine everything that happened without ever have to reread any sentence. 

                This children/young adult realistic fiction novel is the first novel of Rob Buyea. This 268 pages novel, for me, is an inspiring story. It was a very enjoyable read. I really wish I had a teacher like him when I was younger. He doesn’t only teach his students about the academicals lessons like science and math, he also teach the students about caring of others and be friends with everyone without ever sounding like an obnoxious teacher. I hope that there would be more teachers who are like him in real life. My favorite character besides Mr. Terupt is Jessica. Jessica has a very interesting perspective about things that happening around her. For a fifth grader, I think she’s very smart. 

                What I love about this book is not that we just read about a story, we also learn as if we are Mr. Terupt’s students. There are some part in this book where the narrators/the students tell about their family background and I really like it because not everyone comes from the same family background as us and this book teaches us to be more understanding towards other people. I think Rob Buyea really dedicated himself in writing this book. It is a quick and easy read, but definitely not the one to be forgotten easily.
                I would recommend this to everyone because this is a general day-to-day yet inspiring story. I think that teachers would like this book, because there are a lot of great ideas of teaching method. One of my favorite Mr. Terupt’s method is how he teaches his students Math. He teaches them about ‘dollar words’. It makes the students excited and eager about learning the subject without forcing them. This book also shows how much impact a teacher can have in their children’s life. Kids would love this book because they would easily relate to this – about the drama queen, the class prankster, the bully, everything. There is a sequel to this book, Mr. Terupt Falls Again which also as good as the first book but more mature as the students are in the sixth grade on that book. Lastly, I would give this great a book a 5/5 stars as Because of Mr. Terupt is a basically a book for everyone.

“Maybe you just do the best you can, 'cause you can't control what happens in the end.”

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